Youth Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


Housing Security

Community Safety & Violence

Income & Poverty

Social Support


Youth Physical Abuse

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who report ever being physically hurt on purpose by an adult

Trend: Between 2014-18, the percent of 10th grade students who report ever being physically hurt on purpose by an adult did not change significantly in Whatcom County. A smaller percent of students report being physically hurt on purpose by an adult in 2021. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: In 2021, the percent of 10th grade students who report ever being physically hurt on purpose by an adult was similar to the percent of students across Washington State.

Disparities: In 2021 among 10th grade students who report ever being physically hurt by an adult, disparities are observed for gender identity and sexual orientation. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

Youth Sexual Abuse

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who report having ever been in a situation where someone made you engage in kissing, sexual touch or having sex when you did not want to

Trend: Between 2014-2018, the percent of 10th grade students in Whatcom County that report sexual abuse showed a signifcant increase. The number of 10th grade students who reported sexual abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2021 is below 15%. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: The number of 10th grade students who report sexual abuse in Whatcom County is similar to that across Washington State in 2021.

Disparities: Disparities exist among the number 10th grade students reporting sexual abuse with regard to gender identity, sexual orientation, and racial group. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

Youth Emotional Abuse

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who report that a parent or adult in his/her home swore at them, insulted them, put them down or humiliated them

Trend: The percent of 10th grade students in Whatcom County who report emotional abuse by a parent or adult did not change signifcantly between 2016-18. In 2021, during the COVID-19 Pandemic the percent of 10th grade students reporting emotional abuse was lower than in previous years. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: The percent of 10th grade students in Whatcom County who report emotional abuse by a parent or adult is significantly lower than that across Washington State for 2021.

Disparities: In 2021 among 10th grade students in Whatcom County who reported emotional abuse by a parent or adult, there are disparities for gender and sexual orientation. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

Youth Witnessing Adult Violence

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who have seen an adult hit, slap, punch, shove, kick, or otherwise physically hurt another adult more than one time (not counting TV, movies, video games, and sporting events)

Trend: Between 2010 and 2016, the percent of 10th grade students in Whatcom County who witnessed adult violence decreased significantly, but there has been no change through 2018. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the percent of student witnessing adult violence in Whatcom County fell to near 20%. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: In 2021, the percent of 10th grade students who witnessed adult violence was similar to that across Washington State.

Disparities: Among 10th grade students in Whatcom County who witnessed adult violence, disparities exist for gender identity, sexual orientation, and racial group. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

Youth Experiencing Dating Violence

Definition: Percent of 10th graders who reported someone they were dating or going out with physically hurting them on purpose

Trend: The percent of 10th graders in Whatcom County who reported being physically hurt by someone they were dating was stable between 2014 – 2018. Fewer 10th grade students reported being physically hurt by someone they were dating during the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2021. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: The percent of 10th grade students in Whatcom County who report being physically hurt by someone they are dating is similar to that across Washington State.

Disparities: Disparities were not identified or counts were too small to report differences between sub-groups.

Youth Feeling Unsafe with Dating Partner

Why this is important: Feeling unsafe with an intimate partner (someone in a dating relationship) can contribute to a youth’s fear and anxiety. Lack of a sense of safety, including feeling controlled or threatened, can interfere with young people forming trusting relationships and can negatively impact other areas of their lives, such as academic performance, family and social relationships, and overall mental health.

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who report being limited, threatened, or made to feel unsafe by someone they dated during the past 12 months

Trend: Between 2014 and 2018, the percent of 10th graders who reported feeling unsafe with an intimate partner increased significantly in Whatcom County. During the COVID-19 Pandemic the percentage of 10th graders reporting this feeling fell to 15.7%. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: The percent of 10th grade students in Whatcom County who report feeling unsafe with an intimate partner is similar to the percent across Washington State.

Disparities: Among 10th grade students who report feeling unsafe with an intimate partner in Whatcom County, disparities exist for gender identity and racial group. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

Youth Experiencing Bullying

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who reported being bullied in the past 30-days

Trend: Between 2016 and 2018, the percent of 10th grade students who report being bullied in the past 30 days increased significantly to nearly 24%. During the COVID-19 Pandemic the percent of 10th graders who report being bullied fell below 15% in Whatcom County. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography:  In 2021, the percent of 10th grade students who report being bullied in the past 30 days in Whatcom County was similar to that across Washington State.

Disparities: In 2021, among the number of 10th grade students who report being bullied in the last 30 days, evidence of disparities was found with regard to gender identity, sexual orientation, and racial group. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

Youth Feeling Safe during School

Why this is important: Feeling safe at school promotes mental well-being, allowing students to focus on their studies and social interactions positively. A safe school environment fosters a sense of security, reducing stress levels among students, families, and teachers. When students feel safe, they are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors and seek help when needed, contributing to overall community well-being. Similar to the experience of bullying, feeling unsafe at school is more often experienced by marginalized groups, such as non-white and gender-diverse youth.

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who report that they feel safe at school

Trend: Between 2012 and 2018, the percent of 10th grade students who report feeling safe at or during school decreased significantly in Whatcom County. This percentage rose in 2021 to 85.7%. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: In 2021, the percent of 10th graders who report feeling safe during school in Whatcom County is similar to the percent of 10th graders across Washington State.

Disparities: Among 10th grade students in Whatcom County who report feeling safe during school, disparities exist for gender identity, sexual orientation, and racial group. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.