Physical Health

Obesity among Adults

Definition: Percent of adults age 18 or older who have body mass index 30 kg/m2 or higher (obese)

Trend: The percent of adults in Whatcom County who have a reported body mass index equal to 30 kg/m2 or above has varied around 25% between 2015 and 2022. During this time there have not been any significant changes.

Geography: The percent of adults in Whatcom County with a reported body mass index equal to 30 kg/m2 or above is similar to the percent for Washington State.

Disparities: Among adults in Whatcom County that have a reported body mass index equal to 30 kg/m2 or above, there is evidence of a disparity for age group for the combined years 2018-22. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

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Obesity among Youth

Definition: Percent of 10th grade students who are obese (above the 95th percentile for BMI)

Trend: The percent of 10th grade students who are reported as obese (above the 95th percentile for BMI) in Whatcom County significantly increased between 2012-14, but then remained steady through 2018. The percent of 10th grade students in this category in 2021 during the COVID-19 Pandemic is similar to previous years. Caution should be used when interpreting 2021 survey data until further data is available.

Geography: In 2021, the percent of 10th grade students who are reported as obese in Whatcom County is significantly lower than that for Washington State.

Disparities: In 2021, among the 10th grade students in Whatcom County who are reported as obese, evidence of disparities is found for different racial groups.

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Diabetes among Adults

Definition: Percent of adults age 18 or older who have ever been told by a doctor that they have diabetes

Trend: The percent of adults in Whatcom County who have been told by a doctor that they have diabetes has remained stable between 2019-2022.

Geography: The percent of adults in Whatcom County who have been told by a doctor that they have diabetes is similar to that across Washington State.

Disparities: Among the adults in Whatcom County who have been told by a doctor that they have diabetes, there is evidence of a disparity for age. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

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Low Birthweight

Definition: Percent of live born singleton births with birth weight less than 2,500 grams

Trend: In 2022, about 5.6% of singleton births in Whatcom County had a birth weight less than 2,500 grams. The percent of births with low birth weight has not changed significantly over time in Whatcom County.

Geography: The rate of low birth weight infants born in Whatcom County in 2022 (5.6%) is significantly lower than the rate in Washington State (7.0%).

Disparities: Among live births with birth weight less than 2,500 grams, evidence of disparities is observed for maternal age and racial group. Hover over the data in the subpopulation tabs to discover more.

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Hospitalizations for Falls

Definition: Number of hospitalizations for falls among adults 65 and older per 100,000 people

Trend: The rate of hospitalizations for falls among adults 65 and older in Whatcom County has not been changing significantly since 2012.

Geography: There was not a significant different in the rate of hospitalizations for falls among adults 65 and older in Whatcom County compared to Washington State in 2021.

Disparities: Disparities exist in the rate of hospitalizations for falls among adults 65 and older between the sexes and among different age groups.

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